Rifle Rated Armor
Rifle rated armor was created to protect against civilian and military-grade ammunition. We offer Level III, Special Rifle Threat, Level III+ and military-grade level IV armor.
Rifle Rated Armor Categories
Which one is right for you?
Level III
Armor offers protection against 5.56×45, 7.62×39, and .308 threats with low weight and positive buoyancy. This armor is a great option for those who need to keep their loadout as light as possible and still be protected against the most commonly used ammunition in North America. Keep in mind that level III armor is not rated to stop armor-piercing rounds so before purchasing make sure to follow our Armor Guide.
Level III Polyethylene Body Armor weighs is 3,5 lb’s per plate in 10” x 12” standard SAPI cut. This plate has been tested according to NIJ 0101.06 standards, positive buoyancy, stand-alone, and multi-hit capability.
More comfortable and 60% lighter than steel plates. Backside impact padding is added to reduce the amount of energy transferred to your body, reducing felt energy through your armor.
Ergonomic single curve and multicurve, our UHMWPE (Polyethylene) Level III armor. The plates are not only affordable, and comfortable, but high performing, and lightweight.
Encased in a water-resistant nylon cover with edge impact padding increases durability. 10” x 12”, this armor has a profile of 1” thick and carries a 10-year shelf life.
New Prime Armor’s Special Rifle Threat (SRT4) is a lightweight, multi-curve with only a 0,61’’ thick rifle plate designed to withstand rugged usage without compromising the ballistic capability of the plate. Multi-hit tested by an NIJ-certified laboratory and can defeat m855 (green tips), m855A1 (US Military’s new M855A1 rifle round), 7.62×39 API, .308 if used ICW soft IIIA armor and lesser threats!
Multi curve plate along with the strength and lightweight makes our SRT3 ballistic body armor product a great choice for Law Enforcement, Private Security, and of course Fellow Civilian Americans who are looking for the highest quality at a reasonable cost.
Level III+
Since this plate is multi-hit rated you can expect it to protect you from 9mm to 7.62×63 (MSC) including M855 rounds. Backface deformation is a very important factor that everyone should know about because even if a bullet does not penetrate the plate, you will still feel the kinetic energy and can still cause bodily damage or harm on impact. Keep in mind that we test all of our armor to the maximum standards or so-called “worst case scenario” situation and BFD (backface deformation) on model is highly common as with any other different body armor. This is why we offer an additional IIIA soft armor plate as a backer which can be inserted separately in our Prime Warrior Plate Carrier 3.0.
Who can use level III+ armor?
Protection Level III+ armor is capable of resisting and stopping 7.62mm as well as 5.56mm (non-military) ammunition or our model 1489UA will provide protection agains M855A1 and 7.62×39 API.
In case if your agency require NIJ CERTIFIED armor, Level III+ model 1422 is a right choice for you. Reach out to us for a bulk purchase quote via email: sales@primebodyarmor.com.
Level IV:
Body armor offers highest ballistic protection in the NIJ classification. This kind of body armor is made up of a combination of rigid ceramic and composite plates that are covered in polyurea or nylon coding. Level 4 armor plates have a similar principle to Level 3 plates, in which layers of ballistic material (UHMWPE) are pressed together to form a solid block, only difference is that the ceramic strike face of level 4 armor that defeats Armor Piercing rounds will be compromised after several hits and plate must be replaced. Despite the high weight level 4 body armor is the choice of most military branches due to its great capabilities in stopping heavy armor-piercing threats like 7.62×51,7.62×54, and 7.62×63, and similar options.
The kinetic energy of a flying bullet is mostly dampened in contact with the surface of the armor. The impact’s force is felt across the complete body armor system. Part of the energy goes to the body of the fighter in it. Even if the bullet does not pierce the plates, the force of the impact is such that it leaves bruises on the body and even breaks the ribs. But at least the man stays alive.
Threat level